setting up cloud folder sync with rclone

Aug 4, 2022 | linux, guide

Having some (or all of) your files synced with a cloud service provider is a good call. It is helpful to have backup in this form and it makes the files accessible from any device (provided you have an internet connection). But most cloud providers provide client programs only for Windows or Mac. As of 2022, only Dropbox provides an official client for Linux. But sadly, their free plan only provides 5 GB of storage. I, being broke, prefer to have the 15 GB of free storage provided by Google drive. It is enough to have my most important files backed up. So I started looking up hacky ways to set up a system that syncs my files with Google drive.

After testing different methods, I finally settled on this method that uses rclone for mounting cloud storage. rclone works with almost all cloud providers and all their plans (both free and premium) so you should have no issues with it.

setting up rclone

configure rclone

Open a terminal and run the following command:

rclone config

From this point, based on what cloud storage provider you are using, you should follow the steps listed in the rclone documentation.

Just choose your provider from the list and follow the steps in the configure section. If you find it difficult, you can also look up other guides and videos online that explain how to configure rclone (with your provider).

Once, you have configured rclone, launch rclone-browser and you should see the cloud storage provider(s) that you have added.

mount cloud storage

using rclone-browser

using cli

You can also use the cli to mount the cloud drive.

rclone mount <remote>:/ <local_mount_point> &
# add & to run in background

You can get the list of remotes using the command, rclone listremotes.

To unmount the cloud drive.

fusermount -uz <local_mount_point>

syncing files

You can choose between two types of sync:

unidirectional sync

For unidirectional sync, I found that rsync is the best tool.

sudo pacman -S rsync

Assume that your drive is mounted at /home/user/cloud_mnt and you need to sync the folders:


You can create a bash script with the commands:

rsync -av --delete /home/user/folder1/ /home/user/cloud_mnt/folder1
rsync -av --delete /home/user/folder2/documents/ /home/user/cloud_mnt/documents
# note: the trailing slash at the end of the source folder is important 

This is for unidirectional sync from local to cloud. If you wish to sync periodically, you can use cron jobs.

bidirectional sync

Here we will use It is available in the AUR as osync.

yay -S osync

We will use the examples of the same folders here.

#!/bin/sh --initiator=/home/user/folder1 --target=/home/user/cloud_mnt/folder1 --initiator=/home/user/folder2/documents --target=/home/user/cloud_mnt/documents

As mentioned before, you can use cron jobs for periodic sync.

Note: you should not use rsync and for the same folder. creates some hidden files for its working so if you use rsync on the same directory. It will sync these hidden files to the destination as well and cause problems when you run the next time.

example script

Here is a example script that you can use/extend after adding your own paths:



function sync_files() {
    # one way sync
    rsync -av --delete /home/$USER/myfiles/folder1/ $MNT_PT/folder1
    # add more commands here

    # unmount rclone drive
    fusermount -uz $MNT_PT

# mount rclone drive
rclone mount "$MNT_NAME":/ $MNT_PT &

# check if mounted successfully using rclone
# wait in while loop and sleep 1
# until mount is successful
# check if mount is successful by grepping `mount` for $MNT_NAME
# if successful, run sync_files
while true; do
    if grep -q $MNT_NAME /proc/mounts; then
        echo "Mounted successfully"
    sleep 1
    echo "waiting for mount..."

experience with other alternatives

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